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Some of the world’s best and brightest minds have at times suffered from disabling self-doubt. Albert Einstein has been quoted as saying, “(T)he exaggerated esteem in which my lifework is held makes me very ill at ease. I feel compelled to think of myself as an involuntary swindler.” Today, we call this feeling impostor syndrome. It is an extremely common phenomenon that affects as many as 70 percent of people at some point. If you are dealing with impostor syndrome, self-hypnosis for self confidence and motivation can help you embrace the possibilities.
The Truth about Impostor Syndrome
Although impostor syndrome can affect anyone, experts suggest it might be most common among women and high-achievers. It tends to strike most often when people are engaged in new endeavors or launching new careers. For some of us, the feeling of being an impostor is fleeting and short-lived. For others, it is a life-long battle that undermines our confidence and keeps us from achieving our dreams. Self-hypnosis downloads for self confidence can give you the strength you need to overcome impostor syndrome.
People with impostor syndrome often feel like frauds and believe their success is unearned. They carry unwarranted shame about their accomplishments. They can be highly critical of themselves and chalk up their success to factors such as luck, timing or connections rather than skills or ability.
Signs of impostor syndrome can include:
- An inability to realistically assess abilities or achievements
- Poor self-image
- Worries about living up to expectations
- A tendency to avoid taking on new responsibilities
- Self-sabotage
- Job dissatisfaction
- Failure to ask for a raise
- Overachieving
With our self-hypnosis downloads, you can learn to take pride in your accomplishments.
Nurturing a Growth Mindset through Hypnosis
Many people struggling with impostor syndrome are also struggling with anxiety, low self-esteem, and depression. Self-hypnosis audio downloads for self esteem gives you the power to work through these issues and face the future without fear.
Impostor syndrome can strike anyone at virtually any point in their life. It can leave you overcome by insecurities and unable to function properly. If you are struggling with self-doubt and a lack of confidence, self-hypnosis for self confidence and motivation can help you switch to a growth mindset.
With self-hypnosis downloads for self confidence, you can learn how to transform your mistakes into opportunities for growth. You can overcome doubts and negative mindsets and move forward into positivity. Reaching out for help is a great first step. While impostor syndrome can make you feel desperately alone, the majority of us experience it at least from time to time.
Using self-hypnosis downloads regularly will ensure that your subconscious becomes your biggest cheerleader. Your subconscious can keep you energized and motivate you through the challenges. Self-hypnosis downloads for self confidence can also help us push past our doubts. They can motivate us to dig deeper, challenge ourselves, learn, and grow. With self-hypnosis for self confidence and motivation, you can connect more effectively with others, relying on their expertise when appropriate.
Using Self Hypnosis Audio Downloads for Self Esteem
Perfectionism can undermine the highest achievers and leave you drowning in a sea of self-doubt. Set standards that are high but within your reach. With self-hypnosis downloads, you can challenge unrealistic expectations, and be proud of yourself each time you meet your goals. Be compassionate with yourself when you fail to meet your goals. Celebrate each victory, including the small ones. Finally, take satisfaction from the journey rather than the completion of the journey.
Visit to learn more about our self-hypnosis audio downloads for self esteem or subscribe to our newsletter for the latest updates.
UpNow Health only uses high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed articles, to support the facts within our articles. All our articles are reviewed by experts to ensure that our content is accurate, helpful, and trustworthy.
1. Mak Karina K. L., Kleitman Sabina, Abbott Maree J. Impostor Phenomenon Measurement Scales: A Systematic Review. Frontiers in Psychology. Volume 10, 2019. Page 671. DOI=10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00671.
2. Bravata, D. M., Watts, S. A., Keefer, A. L., Madhusudhan, D. K., Taylor, K. T., Clark, D. M., Nelson, R. S., Cokley, K. O., & Hagg, H. K. (2020). Prevalence, Predictors, and Treatment of Impostor Syndrome: a Systematic Review. Journal of general internal medicine, 35(4), 1252–1275.
3. Pauline Rose Clance & Suzanne Imes. The Imposter Phenomenon in High Achieving Women. Psychotherapy Theory, Research and Practice. Volume 15, #3, Fall 1978.
4. Vergauwe, J., Wille, B., Feys, M. et al. Fear of Being Exposed: The Trait-Relatedness of the Impostor Phenomenon and its Relevance in the Work Context. J Bus Psychol 30, 565–581 (2015).
5. Cowman, Shaun E.; Ferrari, Joseph R.. “Am I For Real?” Predicting Impostor Tendencies From Self-Handicapping And Affective Components. Social Behavior And Personality: An International Journal, Volume 30, Number 2, 2002, Pp. 119-125(7). Doi: Https://Doi.Org/10.2224/Sbp.2002.30.2.119
6. LaDonna, Kori A. PhD; Ginsburg, Shiphra MD, PhD; Watling, Christopher MD, PhD “Rising to the Level of Your Incompetence”: What Physicians’ Self-Assessment of Their Performance Reveals About the Imposter Syndrome in Medicine, Academic Medicine: May 2018 – Volume 93 – Issue 5 – p 763-768. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000002046.
7. Impostor syndrome: Dr. Valerie Young.