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One out of five people around the world uses tobacco in some form. Smoking tobacco is a common habit, but it can have some fairly serious repercussions for your health. Experts estimate that more than 8 million people die prematurely every year as a result of smoking, and tobacco use is a risk factor for many serious illnesses, including respiratory disease, heart disease, and cancer. Although smoking can be a tough habit to kick, you do not have to try to do it alone. With self-hypnosis to quit smoking on your side, you have a powerful ally in your fight against tobacco.
Why Quitting Is So Hard
For many people, quitting smoking is among the hardest challenges they will face. Some smokers try to quit up to 30 times before they finally achieve their goals of being completely smoke-free. Still, quitting is worth it. Within minutes of your last cigarette, your heart rate returns to normal, and your blood pressure drops. Within a day, your risk of heart disease drops. A few days later, your nicotine levels also decrease. Nicotine is one of the reasons it is so hard to kick the habit, but according to the American Lung Association, smoking also has emotional and social components. Hypnosis can help you address all these factors and empower you to stay smoke-free now and whenever temptation strikes.
When you smoke cigarettes, the nicotine they contain triggers the brain to release dopamine, a feel-good chemical. When the dopamine wears off, you crave another cigarette, but your tolerance builds up over time, which means that you need more nicotine to achieve the same effect. This is known as physical dependency.
Because people become physically dependent on nicotine, they experience withdrawal symptoms when they try to quit. That can be a tough hurdle to overcome. You might struggle with a variety of physical and emotional symptoms, including:
- Cravings
- Headaches
- Insomnia
- Irritability
- Depression
- Anxiety
The temptation to smoke can be powerful, but hypnosis to quit smoking can help you get through the challenges you face in the first days and weeks.
Quitting Smoking with Stop Smoking Hypnosis
Nicotine is only a part of the picture when it comes to tobacco addiction. Smoking also becomes deeply ingrained in your daily routine. You may light up in the morning with your coffee or during your break at work. You might also smoke when you feel stressed or anxious, using cigarettes to calm your mind and manage your frustrations. If your social life revolves around smoking, that can also play a role in your feelings surrounding quitting.
The subconscious mind can keep you seemingly locked in your habits and is responsible for the mental and social aspects of the behavior. The subconscious mind simplifies your daily life through habits and routines using automatic behaviors.
You might reach for that morning cigarette and coffee without even thinking, so when you quit, you must use more mental energy working to kick that habit. This increases your overall stress level, triggering the urge to smoke to cope with the increased stress. Each time you work to separate the link between smoking and a specific pattern of behaviors, you are essentially unraveling the fabric of that habit and working to create new habits. That is a lot to take on board, and you likely feel stressed, overwhelmed, and under a lot of pressure.
If you are ready to quit, self-hypnosis to quit smoking can make it easier by providing you with not only the support you need during this time but also the skills to navigate this new territory and the tools to manage your temptations. Hypnosis to quit smoking can even make it easier for you to break your bad habits while nurturing healthier new habits.
Self-hypnosis to quit smoking works on multiple levels to help you get control of the cravings, address associated stress, and create new behavior chains that work in your favor. Hypnosis can even help you reframe the experience and manage the way you feel about quitting and respond to the various triggers and exposures in your life. With hypnosis on your side, you can quit today and be smoke-free for good.
The Benefits of a Quit Smoking Hypnosis App
Research indicates that stop smoking hypnosis can be an extraordinary tool in the fight against smoking. One study showed that using hypnosis to quit smoking compared favorably to nicotine replacement products in smoking cessation programs while another study demonstrated combined hypnosis with aversion therapy for especially effective results. You can use hypnosis alone or in conjunction with other smoking cessation tools or products, such as nicotine replacement products or therapy, to give you the edge you need in the fight against smoking.
During stop smoking hypnosis, you learn to focus intently and relax, and the subconscious mind is more amenable to new ideas and suggestions. These suggestions are designed to address specific behaviors and mindsets, and because your conscious mind does not interfere, your subconscious is more prepared to “listen” and take the new information on board, adopting and adapting to it. You can develop the tools you need without your conscious, critical mind interfering, or your emotions and frustrations taking control. Instead, your subconscious will be open and ready to take new information on board and act on it.
If you are ready to embrace healthy change and a smoke-free life, you are ready for UpNow. Visit us today and download our quit smoking hypnosis app to get started.
UpNow Health only uses high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed articles, to support the facts within our articles. All our articles are reviewed by experts to ensure that our content is accurate, helpful, and trustworthy.
1. Hannah Ritchie and Max Roser (2013) – “Smoking”. Published online at Retrieved from:
2. Chaiton, M., Diemert, L., Cohen, J. E., Bondy, S. J., Selby, P., Philipneri, A., & Schwartz, R. (2016). Estimating the number of quit attempts it takes to quit smoking successfully in a longitudinal cohort of smokers. BMJ open, 6(6), e011045.
3. Quit smoking. NHS.
4. Benefits of Quitting. American Lung Association.
5. Health Benefits of Quitting Smoking Over Time. American Cancer Society.
6. Understanding Withdrawal.
7. American College of Chest Physicians. (2007, October 24). Hypnotherapy For Smoking Cessation Sees Strong Results. ScienceDaily. Retrieved December 15, 2021 from
8. Johnson, D. L., & Karkut, R. T. (1994). Performance by gender in a stop-smoking program combining hypnosis and aversion. Psychological reports, 75(2), 851–857.
9. Why Is Quitting Smoking So Difficult? The Science Behind Addiction. American Lung Association.