Numerous varieties of bacteria and viruses are relentlessly attempting to breach your defenses and gain a foothold in your body. The immune system is your best line of protection, working to recognize
Did you know that stress can take a heavy toll on your immune function? The body’s stress response developed to help keep us safe. Unfortunately, chronic stress can have the opposite effect
The coronavirus has spread to more than 200 countries and infected more than 2 million people around the world. Many people are spending their free time searching for ways they can strengthen
SARS-CoV-2 first appeared in late 2019 and quickly spread across the globe, infecting more than 2 million people worldwide. More commonly known as the coronavirus or COvid-19, the virus
As the COVID-19 pandemic sweeps the world, we are increasingly feeling the weight of anxiety, worry and fear. Concern about our well-being and that of the people we love, combined
The body’s immune system is currently our best defense against the novel coronavirus. The immune system is adaptive, which means that it adapts to threats as it encounters them.
With the recent outbreak of COVID-19, a novel coronavirus spreading across the globe, many people are researching ways they can keep their immune system operating at its best